new term, new happiness.

New term, new happiness.

Yes. I hope so.

   So, in this Tuesday night, and as usual, I'm trying to write few things that I've been experiencing lately. I think everybody knows that NOW is our new term in collage. I got the holiday back in Jakarta, and now I should back to where I start and should be finished: collage. A lot of things happened, and as far as I know it's been fun! There's no many classes that I should I attend (because, you know it's my final term before I start to write my thesis). So instead of going back and forth to campus, I'm kind of keeping myself busy with my stuff; back to write again.

   So what am I going to write? A lot of things. Poetry, for the priority. Secondly, I might continue my last short story Dear John, Love Claire (you could read on wattpad) for the second part. On the first part, many people told me that it's actually a nice, simple story which is likely easy to read. Actually, it has a basic simple idea; a girl who falls in love with her teacher only because of a cup of coffee latte. At first, both of this people raised their relationship based on professional issues. But, after several accidents, they got into a dangerous love affair. Yes, a love affair! This idea is somehow new to me, so I need to dig the info through reading materials or movies. I love the process of the writing, because it makes me curious and the idea is kind of controversial (especially for a new writer like me). Overall, I'm just so happy to hear about the positive comments from the reader about the story. And that is why, I decided to write another part of the story. I can't promise that the story will be end in the way people wants to, but I will do my best.

   *finger crossed*

   Hmm. What's next?

   Well I guess I haven't shared a word or two about my previous holiday in Jakarta. Actually, it was quite the same as another holiday I had before, like nothing's really special. I was just doing all I could. I didn't go hiking or maybe having that kind of 'fun' with friends, but still, I got some. I mean, all that I did was only cleaning my house everyday, going out to nearer's cafe to do some shit online, skyping with new friends, or shopping with friends (at least). I know it sounds lame, but at least I did some few things in which I was so happy to do. But the sad part was, I didn't go out with my NF squad due to some reasons. I won't tell the reasons, let just forget about it. I know that maybe some people were kind busy with their own things, but at least they'd just forgotten about the promise they made while I was in Aceh before. Sad, but what should I do?

   So, back to the topic. Well, in this new 7th term, I hope everything would be fine. Not only for my study, but also for the people around me. I hope everything would be great as I wish. I hope everything will be put back to where it belongs. There are just so many hopes and I can't say that one by one. Overall, I want everything to be good again.

   I guess that's all. 

   xoxo, Farrah
Banda Aceh, Sept, 21 2016


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