Mr. Sherlock Holmes OR Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch?

Honestly, I think I caught this disease again; back to become a fangirl.

   So it was Sunday when my roommate gave me this movie as she had watched it for such a long time. I was bored, actually. I did not know what to do. I was just laying in bed, watching the rain dropped from my window, starting to think about my last hope; how to get his love, and of course, eating. I got nothing to do, so I went to my roommate and asked her for an advice about what should I do, and she gave me the movie; Sherlock Holmes The Series (aired on BBC Worldwide).

... and I watched the movie.

   My first impression about this movie went into such a boring movie, I knew how the story ends, and I knew this movie is about detective things and stuff. But, it all totally changed me when I saw the Sherlock Holmes' new face; Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch. He is such a genius in the movie. I love how he acts like the real Sherlock Holmes by his glare and his high cheek bones and of course, how brisk he is when he is walking down the road with his coat on. He is cute, but that is not what I like about it. He could make the Sherlock's role becomes real. He is brilliantly brilliant!
   I am so far from up to date, I have just known about Benedict Cumberbatch by watching this movie. I like him, so far. Maybe that is why I could get this fever again; the cumberbitches fever. I mean, he is so tall, has cute face, the glare, curly hair, high cheek bones, but I especially like this guy because of Sherlock Holmes. As I said before, he could play the role of Sherlock Holmes (which I think it is not an easy job) and all that he did is totally brilliant.
   Um, but I am so broken-hearted when I knew that he already got engaged with Miss Sophie Hunter. "If you're my fans, then you'll like my fiancee". Otherwise, I like him. But not for sure. I just like him because of Sherlock Holmes. But that does not mean that I do not appreciate him, right? It is actually fine with me, if he is going to be married with her engaged. It is all fine.
   I got so weird when I knew I fell in crush with Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch. It is like I write his name all over my room, my phone, even on my underwear (well I am not sure why I did that). Maybe it is because he is a sex bomb. I just realized that we got another sexiest man alive besides Adam Levine. Even when he is just smiling, he still looks sexy. I really like when he is staring at something with his glare on. He is so freaking cool! 

   So I come into a line where I cannot hold this anymore. I wrote "Welcome to 221B Baker Street" in front of my door. I downloaded few of Sherlock Holmes' The Series original soundtrack and made it for my alarm tone. I always put his picture beside my head (and just imagine he's there) every time I want to sleep. Oh, what's the next? Every time I am awaken in the night, I always open up my phone and see his picture, hug it, and I will have a pleasant sleep. I mean, am I this crazy for him? He is the one that I can't actually tell you guys. He is the reason why.. Well I'm not becoming a drama queen by saying those things, but those are the reality that I feel, right now. 

... So could you tell me how to stop? ;)

- farrah 

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