Me, My Self and Time

Just got some net briLIAM idea after I read Dare To Dream : Live As One Direction. So maybe I'm gonna follow them, like writing about my life story. Well yeah, I know it's not that important to you, guys. But I'm just gonna share it, and I wish you could get what's the best for you by read this, My Journey.

1. Happy Days 
   I was born in Jakarta, junn' 21st 1995 and right now I'm seventeen years old. Born in Moslem family, makes me think to change my look by wearing the veil on my head. But right now, I haven't tried to change the way I look. I still wanna be Me, without change at all so people wouldn't recognize me. And still, I feel perfect all the way. I live in Jakarta and have one brother named Farhan. I'm not that kind of sweet people, so I can say I'm not that close to my mum and dad, and my brother. I always admit everyone as my friends so they either. I never make any difference between everyone. 

   I went to my Playgroup class since I was 5 years old and getting through to elementary school when I was 6. Again, I have to say, I used to be a confident person and still am, until now. So when it was the first time to go to elementary school, my teacher asked me to sing, and I sang "twinkle twinkle little star" with English accent. My teacher wondered why, because at that time, there's no English on whole school in Jakarta. And that's my point at. I've been interested in English since I was young. But I didn't practice too often so I got my English bad. But right now, I'm studying and having course to improve my English skill. I love English, by the way. It's the leanguage where I can express my feelings at all and some of people doesn't know the meaning, that's why I love English. 

  When I was kid, I usually played hide and seek, fooling around and playing football games. And now I wonder why, why did I love to play football games?! And I was so idiot for almost lost my hair by burnt them that time. I still remember when the first time I got my bicycle from my dad and I always go whenever I wanted by my bicycle. When I was young, I never think about my look and appereance. So I didn't care if I'm having this black skin. But now, I've changed! I'm not that black but looks more lighten up by using some hand and body lotions. Glad to know that I've changed. 

2. Teenagers Time 
    I went to 45 Junior High School where it was the coolest, good school in Cengkareng, West Jakarta. I became on bilingual class, which means, I have to speak English of Indonesian leanguage. I was so happy for finally meet English lesson oftenly in my class. And on the second year, I met my friend named Ivy. She was so kind and she teached me English for better me. Haha, thanks dude for it. I know that my English is still awful these days, but I promise I'll get better. 
    And I met Azharia and Indi, which was my best friend. I loved you guys. We often just chillin around in the cafeteria called "WH". We often went to Daan Mogot Mall for just sight seeing, and I still can remember it all and I will never forget about it, because it was my best memories with you. So the story goes on this third year of my Junior High School where everybody wanted to be famous and join a gang called **. They were never assuming that they're a gang but they oftenly gather together. And badly, I wanted to be like them even just for one time. So I told everybody that I went to USA which was an impossible mission and shit talks. Everybody believed it. I was so dumb. So whenever they asked me about the whole thing about Los Angeles and Rio De Jniero, I got more bounded. My tounge always told a lie and I couldn't bear it all. They asked me about my pictures when I was on USA, which I lied about and so on. Until one day, I told them about the truth. They were shocked and seemed like have known about it already. I felt so embrace that moment and I just wanted to die, if I could. But that was my valuable lesson and yes, once again, it was my best memories! And I will never forget about it. 

   But the best thing for becoming a teenager is.. Its free! I can go whenever I want. I can eat withouth think about the disease. But, yes, I have to. It's for my better health later. Another good thing when we're a teenager is.. we can be falling in love with someone, then break them, look for someone new and yes, it always go like that. I even.. like to be alone. But it doesn't mean that I'm a lazzie. I'm interested with any cool boys and I've told them on this blog. Some of them are great but some of them are uncool. Its just different from the way I look. I never look someone from their appereance. But mostly, If I'm falling in love, and no matter he's bad or not, he's rich or not, he's cute or not, I could still like him for no reason. The worst thing for me, if I'm falling in love with someone is.. I'm falling to hard (that's why I'm afraid to start the new one), then I start to believe them with all of my heart. No matter they're lying or not, I'd like fully trust on them. Untill now, I'm still wondering why.

   I love surrounded by people who love me. But I don't like being surrounded by family to much. I just like to gather with my mates, like chilling out, watch some movies, telling a jokes, or.. maybe talk about the politics. I think, I'm kind of.. friendly person. Well, if you've known me a lil bit, you'll find that I'm better than the way I looked. I don't have such friendly face, in fact, my face is looks like full of anger or something. That's why everyone told me that I'm not that friendly at the first. I will be let everything happen if you're my friends. That's why I have so many friends at school. For the examples, when I go to the social class, I'd find a few of my mates there. When I go to the science class, I'll find my another mates there. When I go to my course and another place.. I'll find my mates there. I think everybody is special, and they're deserve to be happy. 

   I love for being an independent girl. I can go everywhere alone and I can see things differently. I have a big dream, that I wanna go and live in New York! Or maybe London. Or maybe Spain. Or Maybe Germany. Or maybe I'm just a lil crazy to say that I wanna go there so bad. That's why I really wanna be a diplomat, so that I could go arround the world. Back for becoming an independent girl - My mom always teaches me on how to be an independent person. I always do my things alone, whether its hard or no.. I just like being alone. I'm sometimes a loner but in another time, I can be super crazy lilttle girl. Just like it. I like my own way, just like.. watching dvds on my room, eat in the middle of night, wearing my boots on my dress, only wearing bra and my hotpants when I fall asleep.. I like it all. And sometimes.. I just can't change it. Its too hard for me to change and erase my bad habit like that.

   Well.. those are a little things about me. Hope you enjoy it, and take the best of it. I love to share everything, even if I know, that this aint important for me to tell, or whatever. I'm not an important person or a celebrity, but I wish I could one day. All that I wanna say is just.. "STAY TRUE ON WHO YOU ARE!"

Love, Farrah F Fonna

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