What the H ??

Oh guys, what's up bro? Im so confused, what should I write here. I have somthing good but I don't know how to express it. It's like I have so much inspiration about everything but I don't know how to write it. You know what? my heart is sooo empty and I need someone to fill it up. But I don't know who is he. Well, how can Im falling in love if I don't know who is the right person?

The quote says "We may cry for the wrong person, we may have mistakes for the wrong person, but because of that we can find the RIGHT person". I always believe with it. Always! Maybe Im confused for my love life. But I hope I would get the prince in my life. Someday my prince will come and pick me up to the garden. and yea, I believe with it too.

It's like Im walking on the dark road and need one candle to light me up. I always walked on my 'dark' track and I need someone to bring me to another beutiful life. Even I don't know how to stand and love someone. I've been dated with boys but I don't know where's the love. Was it on my first boyfriend? or second boyfriend? or maybe all of the boyfriend and I call it Love? NOO! even I don't have frist love untill now. Im still alone and lonely.

As far as I can get, I always had a crush and never falling in love. It's so hard for me to falling in love, but always easy to have a crush. So.. as far as I stand, I've been wrong in definition. Falling in love: we can't explain it but we can feel it, Have a crush: it's like we only like him from his looks, not his heart. so you understand about the difference?

Im afraid to falling in love because Im afraid to to hurt again. Im afraid to falling in love because Im afraid to loose my self. that's why I never open my heart. Even I can't see which is better between love, life and dreams. Because of that three cathagories, We have to choose. Life is not about love and dream, but life is about how we choose the right one. Love is not about to be loved or loving but it's about the affection and trusting. Dream is not about how we imagine, but it's about believe and make it happen.

Tonight. I try to open my eyes and if I could, I wanna stand in front of you and say "I need you because I heart you!" If I just know who is the right person to be loved and not for the wrong person.


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